Monday, 31 March 2014

Curtailed, March 30th 2014

Dear Readers,

Due to a family bereavement trip 2014 has been curtailed for now. After travelling for about 26 hours from Sihanoukville on Sunday, I am now back in my hometown of Norwich, England.

Thursday, 27 March 2014

VIDEO - Monkey Business, Sihanoukville, Cambodia 2014

A visit to Sihanoukville isn't complete until these monkeys at the Independence forest have had a chance to show off in front of tourists!

They are to be found on the road between Independence Beach and Victory Hill...

The VIDEO is here

ALBUM - Lizards Galore, Sihanoukville, Cambodia 2014

Lizards, Lizards and Lizards! From the top of Victory Hill all the way down to Independence Beach the lizard population looks to be thriving. For the keen eyed lizard spotter, at least six can be picked out clinging to trees, scurrying along the top of an old fence or scaling a stone wall. Presented here is a gallery of the best shots across 7 days in Sihanoukville.

Veriscolor Lizard



Don't Know this one....

Veriscolor Lizard



Mr. Gecko

A Fat Gecko

Big Fat Chameleon

Pink Chameleon

Don't know this one either...

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

That Old Plane, It's Gone, Sihanoukville, Cambodia, March 20th 2014

Where is the old plane?

Its inevitable that business come and go in a market economy. One such business, the Airport Bar and Disco has completely dissipated, vanished, I mean everything has gone, all bar a few piles of rubble. It was located on Victory Beach and was was a little bit of uniqueness in Sihanoukville in that the building was based on the shape of a blister hanger and centrepiece was a large old Russian passenger plane - needless to say the place was owned by Russians. Now there is a void, wasteland with garbage building - yep, khmers don't yet have that concept of taking their garbage home with them. No more are there aged, overweight European men flouncing up and down the beach in their tiny trunks. Equally their Cambodian partners are nowhere to be seen - the beach is empty with everyone moving on, not a single Russian to be seen! well, actually Victory Beach isn't completely since a few cows have taken up residence.  Personally I wasn't impressed by the Russian monopoly on sunbeds and seats by the sea but the old plane was quite a unique feature and for that reason Victory beach Airport Bar will be fondly remembered - visit 2012, travel season 2.

Not only has the Airport Bar gone but so have the beach shacks that were located towards the port end of the beach - and its only just happened by the looks of things as all that remains are charred bamboos, some thatch and ashes. The fire still going strong creating plenty of smoke right through the doors and windows of the hotel opposite. The Jetty remains intact though with a few tourist boats coming and going but that's the only activity going on around here, for now anyway.

The Old Plane - Photo here

Monday, 24 March 2014

Nothing changes, Sihanoukville, March 18th 2014Independance Beach

Snookyville 2014 and nothing really has changed in the 3 seasons I've been visiting here. Some overgrown land has been attended to while some of those pre civil war compounds are showing some signs of regeneration. In general though its still sleepy Sihanoukville - Victory Hill end anyway. No evidence of a surge in tourists just yet, not while the place remains a hassle to reach for most international holidaymakers and the Phnom Penh elite don't seem to be here in any great numbers either since the Emario Marina and resort remains largely empty. A restaurant has popped up in the middle of the place, a Russian joint i would think - that's to be checked out later.

There's only one place to be and that's the beach. Same, reasonably quiet and not overrun by Russians, i guess the seasons over and their kids have to attend school!

On a tight budget, then head on over here!

unofficial dwellings come and go, this one looks abandoned.

Monkeys, dogs and now goats...

Independence Beach, where's the garbage 

Forlorn and empty!

A big empty marina

Scramblett Bread on offer at this pricey cafe in a guesthouse

Just too Hot, Sihanoukville, Cambodia, March 17th 2014

Welcome to Sihanoukvilkle season three and in particular Victory Hill. Familiar landmarks that have been given a lick of paint and in some cases a partial make-over. Whats noticeable at 2pm is the lack of traffic and people, perhaps its just too hot! Actually a nice sea breeze blowing  in from the ocean to the top of Victory Hill.

First landmark is always this fuel station - and always empty!

Mobbed by the mafia

No playstations around here!

Another hotel springs up

A makeover for statues in the park

A lick of paint for this house

The roads are empty!