Haruki Yokota...
Introducing Haruki Yokota, a fellow traveller, explorer and adventurer. In an emotional farewell, Haruki left the Fat Cats Hostel/farm/campsite today to embark upon the latest stage in his quest to see the world before returning to Japan next Winter. Emotional farewells are pretty rare as travellers frequently come and go, almost like a conveyor belt, but Haruki was one of those characters that left behind some rather special memories. His charisma infected just about everyone here, particularly during the evenings when engaging in conversation that often ended in tears of later as his understanding of the English language isn't perfect - and he's the first to admit that.
Somehow I became an impromptu English teacher, giving Haruki the correct definition of a word, often using a chicken to explain why a certain word or sentence fits. This of course again ended in laughter, the kind of laughter that ends up aching! Later, elocution lessons evolved as Haruki tried to pronounce English words - the difficulties lie in 'B' 'V' 'R' and 'O' but we got there in the end!
Haruki, the first to help anyone who needed it. His manner is gentle, kind and hospitable, as many of those staying here are, but I guess being Japanese then his just seemed to have that positive edge that us Westerners seem to lack.
Haruki has a philosophy - it's along the lines of this 'Frustration in the mind will "provide to a stronger defence in the face of adversity' Goodness knows where he got this from, but I can see the logic.
So, Haruki, just keep practising those words I taught you, remember the dead chicken and above all stay safe on your travels - I shall be glad to be your host in England.
Introducing Haruki Yokota, a fellow traveller, explorer and adventurer. In an emotional farewell, Haruki left the Fat Cats Hostel/farm/campsite today to embark upon the latest stage in his quest to see the world before returning to Japan next Winter. Emotional farewells are pretty rare as travellers frequently come and go, almost like a conveyor belt, but Haruki was one of those characters that left behind some rather special memories. His charisma infected just about everyone here, particularly during the evenings when engaging in conversation that often ended in tears of later as his understanding of the English language isn't perfect - and he's the first to admit that.
Somehow I became an impromptu English teacher, giving Haruki the correct definition of a word, often using a chicken to explain why a certain word or sentence fits. This of course again ended in laughter, the kind of laughter that ends up aching! Later, elocution lessons evolved as Haruki tried to pronounce English words - the difficulties lie in 'B' 'V' 'R' and 'O' but we got there in the end!
Haruki, the first to help anyone who needed it. His manner is gentle, kind and hospitable, as many of those staying here are, but I guess being Japanese then his just seemed to have that positive edge that us Westerners seem to lack.
Haruki has a philosophy - it's along the lines of this 'Frustration in the mind will "provide to a stronger defence in the face of adversity' Goodness knows where he got this from, but I can see the logic.
So, Haruki, just keep practising those words I taught you, remember the dead chicken and above all stay safe on your travels - I shall be glad to be your host in England.
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