Saturday 21 April 2012

Signal Hill Kota Kinabalu April 20th 2012

Signal hill

Signal Hill is on the map as a significant tourist must see, so on that basis I must go and see it. Its on the map as having a view point, might be good for a few snaps and getting there is via a short trek directly up the hillside which is clad in thick jungle. The trail starts somewhere close to base according to the map so getting there at least should be somewhat effortless.

Breakfast/lunch is at Fong Ip cafe, just a few steps around the corner. Not so much of an Indian influence in KK, mostly islamic, Chinese and Pilipino. it's a nice cafe, wooden tables and seats, clean and best of all, self-service. Rice with 2 fried eggs smothered in sweet and sour sauce has strangely become breakfast of choice, much 2 the amusement of some locals, and enough of it to last through till dinner time!

The viewing platform is easy to spot from ground level and just a couple of streets from Fongs is the start of the trail.  A few locals suggest taking a stick, good idea. I had forgotten about the dangers wild animals could pose, and a big stick for defence should hopefully save the day, if needed of course!

It's actually a well maintained series of staircases with a handrail for added safety. A couple of steps into the trek, and a few exotically coloured butterflies flutter in and rest, long enough for a few snaps. Up into the dark, dense vegetation, always on the look out for a snake, a lizard infact any reptile would be nice to spot. Don't really want to spot anymore monkeys - I think that novelty has finally worn off! Plenty of jungle plants to look at, the odd flower and a few more butterflies. It's about 15 minutes up the steps before the trail flattens at a convenient point,  looking over the dense vegetation. Just a few more steps since I can signs of a road up there, passing traffic the giveaway clue. Along the road a few yards to the viewing platform.

A good view, not on the scale of Penang hill, I mean the place is only half the size, and the hill is probably only a quarter of the height, but it's a view all the same. A breeze blows in from the sea, quite welcome after that hike. The whole central area can be viewed as can some of the islands in the distance, good for an overview of the place. A comparatively gentle hike, no snakes, no monkeys, and no charge.Thats right, this one is free to anyone.

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