Monday 22 April 2013

The Redwood Hike, Rotorua, New Zealand, April 18th 2013

Redwoods and free steam

Hike up to the 'Pak n Save' store, turn left and follow State Highway 30 until the park. Cut across there to reach the Redwoods information centre. Those are the directions from the reception lady, who reckons on about 30 minutes of hiking.

30 minutes of hiking and no sign of the  park that's supposed to be a short cut, just a notice at the edge of a sports field 'Poison Gas, Beware'! Better ask at this shop selling hiking boots and maps. Keep going, over the bridge and right down Longview Road - that's the place. The Sulphurous odour that hangs over the city is soon replaced with the fragrance of fresh pine as the Redwoods are approaching. The information cabin has a useful map of where various hiking trails should be and where hikers should end up! The yellow trail looks to be the most useful route with a couple of view points overlooking the city and thermal park.

So, here I am in the Redwoods, and yes, pretty red I have to say. Quite a unique experience infact with the forest of pines taking on a deep rich reddish colour. A pleasant woodlands hike, with plenty of these Fantail birds flitting about, and even managing a photo of one - a seemingly impossible task at Te Horo. It's impossible to get lost around here, each junction clearly labelled with the route colour and direction arrows. Yellow, starts the upwards climb, nothing strenuous, but I certainly wouldn't bring granny or grandad!

About 40 minutes of hiking, following the sign to lower view point - well it's a view at least, or should be. And yes, the view is as I expected overlooking the thermal park and most of Rotorua city. Plenty of steam from the bubbling pools below and soon that geyser erupts shooting steam high into the air for about the next 15 minutes. Especially pleasing since I didn't have to pay that 25 quid. A good hour here, watching the forces of nature take their natural course of action while helicopters taking off and landing next door, giving tourists that scenic view. It's a long hike from the hostel in town, but worth the effort to see this particular force of nature, for free, and to experience those majestic Redwood pines extending what seems like a good mile high - awesome. Now that long hike back!

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