Monday 11 February 2013

The Penang Album - Oppa Gangnam Style February 2013

Not exactly the best spot, but it was going to be the only spot. Unfortunately, local TV had priority and so some clutter in these scenes - Oppa Gangnam Stytle, Penang Island, Malaysia.


  1. Michael and Virginia, NYC USA16 February 2013 at 15:36

    Hi Paul,

    Very good photos, especially the close-ups. It was nice to meet you and chit chat at Penang's big event featuring PSY, although he performed maybe for 15 minutes but we enjoyed it a lot. Too bad we couldn't get some of the free food being distributed after you waited, waited and waited some more - very patiently in line for the distribution of the food to begin. We left hungry and just missed you as you crossed the street for the 401E bus. Keep in touch. Michael and Virginia, NYC USA

  2. Thank you Michael. A pretty awesome experience. I think my little niece back home in England is going to be a tiny bit jealous!
